It's been almost a year since I last updated this blog. I can't say that I've been tracking any of the items, but I have been tackling some of them. I've been cooking and reading, but not writing about it (or keeping track there either). I've been in and out of exercise and yoga routines, interrupted mainly by bouts of physical inability.
And in reviewing the list at this point, there are a lot of things that I wanted to focus on in principle, but didn't really make the time for in a way that was trackable. There are also a lot of experiences that I listed out as very specific items (that was, in fact, the rule of the project - get specific), but really just represent my general wish to have new experiences and try new things. I've been doing some of that this past year as well, again, just not tracking it.
I'm not giving up on finding a way to bring more of the kinds of experiences I'm wishing for into my life. And maybe even to track them. One of my biggest overarching goals was to write more, whether it is for a formal audience as in this blog or my long-neglected food blog, or just for myself. I like the idea of holding myself publicly accountable, if only to an unnamed public, and so this blog may evolve and change and reflect the next stage of my indulgent path towards the life of my dreams.
There will be more to say about what that will look like, sometime between now and January (I fully appreciate that resolutions big or small don't have to coincide with the New Year, but my current schedule is looking pretty hectic for the next couple of months. Ah, life.). And because I draw so much inspiration from other quests for happiness and exciting experiences, chances are it will look like something I've read recently (working on Happier at Home right now, the next installment in the Gretchen Rubin Happiness Project experience) or seen elsewhere.
Until then...