This past weekend, I managed to knock 2 out of 3 states off my list which is so exciting that I can't even explain! I'll keep track of overage on this one since I have a side goal to make it to all 50 states in my life.
Funny story, I explained my goal to my managing editor last week and how excited I was to add two more states to my list. He asked what my criterion was for an actual visit. I stuttered. I gave him the quintessentially weak "I'll know it when I see it" answer.
Then, it hit me. A meal! Not an airport meal, since that's too easy. I've had some great regional airport meals (Chik-Fil-A at the Atlanta airport - if you're flying through, it's a must), but even the lazy girl in me knows that doesn't count.
And so I started this weekend with that intention. I had several meals in Monroe including a meal of chicken chunks (that's how it was advertised - and why my husband wanted to eat it....) and a much better meal of poached chicken and pulled pork at a beautiful wedding on a farm.
We also got to visit another food mecca (Isn't it? If not, it should be!) known as Beef Jerky Unlimited in Luna Pier, MI. That edged us up another snack since the fabulous assistant at the shop gave us loads of free samples and great stories. Just before that, since my tourist bug and the list come first, I stuck my toes in Lake Erie at the beach at Luna Pier. I hadn't thought of a visit all 5 lakes list item, but I might have to next time around.
With all this Michigan talk, you might wonder where Cleveland came in. We flew in and out of Cleveland and drove two hours up to Michigan. The trip drove us near such Ohio hot spots as Toledo and, fittingly, Brooklyn. On our way back to the airport, we hit up the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame which is set in another corner of Lake Erie, near pretty much every Cleveland museum or sports arena. (Look for the next post on museum trips which will give the skinny on the HOF.)
As we boarded the flight home, I realized that the only Cleveland meal I had consisted of a quickie dinner at Cheeburger Cheeburger in the Cleveland airport (apparently we've got that one in Forest Hills). A no go. So I've updated my rule to include some sort of major attraction. Because, darn it, Cleveland counts! I saw multiple stadiums, the miffed LeBron fans selling obscene t-shirts near those attractions and considered a plate of Love Me Chicken Tenders at the museum.
So there we have it - two new states in one weekend!